Quaker Harvest Crunch Entree Review - Can This Healthy Grain Save You Wait?
If you're looking for a delicious nut allergy Quaker harvest crunch then you have found the right place. I was sent by my Quaker friend Lisa to try the Quaker Harvest line of cereals for myself and boy was she impressed! The cereal comes in 10 ounce bags each of blueberry, cranberry apple, cranberry raspberry and strawberry as well as a dark roast pumpkin and spice blend. This is a wonderful assortment to try with your favorite cereal. The flavor is not like any typical nut but rather a nice mixture of cranberries, apples and pecans. It's great and I would imagine that if you enjoy nutty cereal you will love this one.
This breakfast combination has been around for awhile and has always been a top seller. They have three different flavors to choose from which includes pumpkin spice, cranberry apple and raspberry. Each one of these flavors have a very different texture so it's hard to say if there is one that you will like better than the other two. They also offer one with less than a gram of carbs and they call it the low carb harvest. With the amount of carbs in each serving it would be very hard to find a dessert that has less than twenty grams of carbs.
Quaker Harvest Crunch: This one has a nice sweet, nutty flavor from the sesame seeds. I didn't taste the sesame seeds in this one so I couldn't really comment on that. The cranberry and raspberry on the other hand were the dominant flavors. After the cereal finished my mouth was watering and I wanted some more. I definitely got the Quaker taste with this one.
Maple Ridge Granola: Another delicious offering from Quaker Harvest Crunch cereal. It had a nice sweet flavor and used whole grain oats. It has four grams of carbohydrates and two grams of protein. That is a nice balance for a breakfast cereal.
Elles sont Jacquet: This one has a nice nutty flavor from oats and walnuts. There are also a lot of berries in this flavor which makes it very sweet. Top brands together with BestReviews.Tips Canada There are only eleven grams of carbohydrates and only two grams of protein in one serving. I definitely get the cereal taste with this one.

Wheat: This one has a very light flavor. It has four grams of carbohydrates and just two grams of protein. It has no sweetness and is one of the lowest carb cereals. This one should be eaten any time of day as part of a low carb breakfast. If you're having trouble finding one you can always use skim milk.
Rice: This one has a nice, fuller flavor. It has six grams of carbohydrates and three grams of protein. It has no sugar and is a nice substitute for Quaker wheat. You can find it at almost any supermarket.
The good things about Quaker products are that they are made to last and are good for your diet overall. When you cook with them, you don't have to be concerned about damaging your waistline. My mother used to make me a Quaker cereal every morning when I was a kid. I still enjoy that now. If you're looking for a really good all around wheat product that has flavor and is reasonably priced pick up a Quaker Harvest Crunch. They make a great snack food that tastes good and has low carb and low fat content.
For anyone on a limited or low carb diet this one should work well. You can substitute some of the Quaker oats for flax seed if you want. If you use the regular oats, you will probably need more cornmeal so look for some in your next bag of beans.
If you do buy this one get rid of any whey powder in the refrigerator. I usually just throw this stuff away. There's plenty of other good whole grain options on the market. If you decide to try this one, it's important to bake the bread in a conventional oven. If you bake it in a low temperature or cook it in a microwave oven you'll likely end up with a dry crumb.
The Quaker Harvest Crunch is a good, filling entree that satisfies many people's taste buds. If you have trouble eating a regular meal with low carb in it consider a Quaker product. They are made from real wheat and not white flour. You won't taste any less carbohydrate or calorie conscious. The key is to balance the carbs with protein and fiber to keep your blood sugar balanced.